Holmfirth Junior Infant and Nursery School

Sports Premium

Sports Premium Spending Report - 2023/2024 - July 2024

How Holmfirth Junior, Infant and Nursery school is implementing the Sports Premium in our school.

The Government gives every Primary school funding to develop Physical education and competitive sport. Holmfirth School believes passionately in a strong sporting ethos that encourages every child to develop a lifelong love of physical activity through both excellence and participation.

In Holmfirth school we are using this funding by working very closely alongside the Pennine Sports Partnership in order to:

  • Increase the amount of competition that our children take part in.

  • Forming strong links with other community sports providers.

  • Continue to develop a carefully planned timetable of clubs and activities that inspire and motivate all groups of children to participate either before school, at lunchtime or after school.

  • Encourage our children to improve leadership skills through initiatives such as play leaders (KS1 and KS2), the school sports organising crew and Young sports leaders award.

  • Identify our most talented children in PE and provide them with the opportunity to excel.

  • Include and encourage those with additional needs in sport.

  • To embed the use of Core tasks in the assessment of PE so as to ensure ever more accurate judgements and useful data.

Holmfirth Junior Infant and Nursery school are bringing in PE specialist teachers and coaches one day per week to work alongside class teachers in lessons and share expertise.

It is our aim that our children will gain new skills and experiences and teachers will learn new techniques and knowledge to aid them in the teaching of Sport and PE both this Year and in the future.

The long-term aim is higher quality lessons and improved learning for all children.

Above is the final report for the school year 2023/2024

The Sports Premium allocation for the academic year 2023/2024 was £17693

Latest Swimming Data (School Year - 2023/2024)


What percentage of your current year 6 cohort can swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres? 94%
What percentage of your current year 6 cohort can use a range of stroke effectively (for example front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke)? 94%
What percentage of your current year 6 cohort can perform safe self rescue in different water based situations? 88%

Baseline assessment, this shows the total amount of pupils who could swim 25m within the first 2 weeks of swimming with KAL School Swimming.
